Access for All: OSM GeoWeek 2015

Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Please join us for a mapping party to celebrate OpenStreetMap(OSM) Geography Awareness Week 2015! OSM GeoWeek is a global series of events to highlight OSM and the importance of geographic education, and we want to celebrate with you. The purpose of this event is to actively contribute to OpenStreetMap (we’ll have a training for beginners), but we’ll also hear keynote addresses on the importance of open geographic data from top government and institutional leaders and lightning talks on how OSM data is used in humanitarian situations from a variety of OSM community members.

RSVP Please bring a laptop and create an account at Beverages and light snacks provided.

We’ll also have a virtual OSM training and participation option – just register as a virtual participant and we’ll follow up with instructions on how to join our fete via Google Hangout.

Universities, schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, governments and communities around the world will hold dozens of OpenStreetMap events this November 15th-21st. In November 2014 The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), National Geographic, the U.S. State Department (MapGive), USAID (GeoCenter), the Peace Corps, Missing Maps and the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery collaborated to inaugurate the first OSM GeoWeek.


Interested in participating? Email to learn more.