Here’s an overview of the mapathon and guides.
Are you new to OpenStreetMap?
If you are new to OpenStreetMap, you’ll want to sign up for an account and watch the tutorials on getting started with editing and the tasking manager. Head over to MapGive and learn to map, then come back here to learn more about the tasks for OSMGeoWeek.
OSMGeoWeek Mapping Guides
#What We’re Mapping
Check out the Projects to see what we’re working on.
For the remote tasks, check out the instructions in the tasking manager for each. For newcomers, Nyamira, Kenya is a good place to start.
#Some important ground rules and tips:
- Have fun! We’re here to develop a shared understanding of the geography of food and agricultural processes. Make friends!
- Ask for help, discuss how to map with your colleagues – how should you represent what’s on the ground? Point? Line? Area? Strive for consensus and consult available resources.
- Never, ever copy from Google (or any other proprietary data source). You may use Google (or Yahoo or Bing) to find a source web page, but Google’s terms & conditions expressly forbid copying. Get your information from a primary source – fieldwork or the target web site. We list some sources for you below.
- See Rule #3.
- DON’T USE INTERNET EXPLORER (Chrome and Firefox work fine, IE does not at all).